Just finished this painting of a piece of Knotted Wrack I found in Jerusalem, RI last fall. I finished the painting, then scanned it and made multiple copies of it on top of itself and adjusted the color and size of each.
This is a painting that I made in 1996 when Amy and I were living in a single wide trailer with 2 dogs and 4 cats on a cattle ranch in Oregon. I painted it purely from a snorkeling memory from Costa Rica. Living in that trailer was great.
So here are a couple of digital experiments that I created while enrolled in an absolutely amazing workshop I participated in a couple of weeks ago at the Smithsonian in DC. It was a GNSI organized workshop in digital illustration and I really learned a lot. I don't see some sort of philosophical dichotomy between digital and traditional illustration-- I see them as different techniques and media for different purposes. I see digital techniques as a means for freelance illustration and traditional techniques as a means for Fine Art.
OK well, here is my first entry in this new blog. I thought this might be a good vehicle for posting news related to Escape Studio. So hopefully I can add an image here :) and you can take a look at a new Black Sea Bass painting that I've completed and not yet gotten onto the site. Thanks for visiting.